Sunday, December 03, 2006

It's a cold day today

So many things have happened lately that it's impossible for me to truly update this blog in one post. Plus, I'm naturally a private person so some things have to remain a secret anyway. The fact that it's a cold day today isn't encouraging me to open up either.

But as for the things I can reveal:

1) I'm starting a business, and within a week or two it will all come to fruition. I'm excited about it, even though this does tie me down to Korea for the foreseeable future. I may end up staying her up to my early 40's at this rate;

2) I've had to reassess where I am in life, and what it is I'd like to be doing. I can't say I'm 100% happy with everything that's happened, but everything is part of a learning process, and the best I can do is to try to make the correct choices out of all my options. Now that I've decided to stay in Korea for some more years, however, my set of choices will be radically different from what they were before. I'm wondering just how well I deal with it;

3) Friends are so valuable and make life so worthwhile. If it weren't for my friends, I'd be lost right now;

4) I love all my students at Daewon. I haven't had a job this fulfilling in a long time, and part of my decision to start a business and stay long-term is due to the fact that I'm enjoying myself so much at the school. Let's just hope the new batch of students is similar to the old... :)

5) I'm committed to getting back in shape. I'm tired of always feeling tired after work, and a great deal of that is due to my lack of physical fitness. I have got to get my act together again. Enough is enough.

I hope the coming Christmas season is going to be much warmer and happier for everyone. Please do take some time to pray for those who perished and suffered through Typhoon Durian in the Philippines. My sincerest condolences go out to the families of everyone who was lost.