Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Your Mission? To Share your loaf.

Totally random, hypothetical, theological/philosophical discussion:
Fair warning: This will be LONG. Please do not read this if you're offended by, or totally uninterested in, religious thoughts... 
Every good Christian knows the story of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish, (John 6: 1-15), where Jesus took a few meager loaves and fish on hand and had his followers pass them to one another, each one eating as they received their "share." He managed to feed a "large crowd," with only five barley loaves and two fish. Each crowd member ate until he/she was full and satisfied and yet, upon gathering the leftovers, they managed to fill twelve baskets! 
Here's the dscussion point I was just thinking of:
Back in Catholic Religion class in my grade school days, I had a teacher who said it was "stupid" that no one "saved" a portion of either loaf or fish for himself/herself, as my teacher believed this food would continue on multiplying and would, thus, feed the person for the rest of his/her natural life!  As a young boy who was still a bit selfish and self-centered back then,I fully agreed with him. I then allowed myself to imagine owning just such a piece of bread ( I didn't like fish, so I didn't imagine it...  Today, however, I now believe that my teacher was wrong. I don't believe God would have continued to multiply the loaves and/or fish for any person who "saved" a piece for himself/herself.
I'm not pretending I absolutely know how God thinks, but I sincerely believe that part of the reason God blessed the food and allowed it to multiply was for everyone to share such food with those among them who were hungry. I believe the true power of God was realized through the process of sharing food with one another, especially with those who were hungry and in need of food. In my humble opinion, the act of "saving" a piece for one's self like my Religion teacher recommended would be, I believe, an act of selfishness. You would be denying a hungry person the opportunity to eat by only considering your own well-being. I believe this to be a corruption of the pure intent Jesus had of promoting sharing and caring for one another, especially for those who were hungry. Things MIGHT be different, I magine, if you kept a piece in order to take home with you to feed your hungry family members and/or to feed poor, starving orphans or street children... In THAT scenario I imagine that the multiplication might still work. However, keeping a piece only for your benefit? I feel it would stop the miracle dead in its tracks... SMH
If you would please permit me a further mental extrapolation, I apply this philosophy to my daily life as much as I can... I've been truly blessed by God, but under no circumstances whatsoever do I believe that whatever wealth I'm permitted to obtain in this world is only for my benefit. I believe that any wealth and/or prosperity handed down to me by God is not for me to store away selfishly for my own ends, but is a literal obligation for me to share it with others, much like the sharing during the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish. God is not unfair. He's not going to bless me to the exclusion of everyone else. No, I believe that IF He chooses to bless me with a metaphorical "loaf" or piece of prosperity, then it is my firm obligation to pass that "loaf" or prosperity along, especially to those around me who are hungry or needy. I believe that only in this case would I be working to fulfill the will of God on this earth. I'm sorry Mr. Teacher of mine, I don't agree that it was "stupid" for someone in the crowd not to keep a piece of bread for himself/herself... I think the only stupid thing is believing that whatever prosperity you get by the grace of God is ONLY meant for you... I'm not saying I always succeed in my "mission" to share my blessings with others, but I shall endeavor to live the rest of my life with every intention, even should I fail, to never fail to try...  God bless you all today!!!