Monday, April 10, 2006

My first set of student evaluations

Wow. :) I'm still grinning ear-to-ear. I am so gratified that the students I teach seem to appreciate the effort I am giving in class.

Here are all the evaluations, in their entirety, including the negative ones. I have left no word out.

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I hope I can get rid of those nerves I feel before giving a speech throughout this class! Can't wait :)

Sometimes, you teach us something vague. Please explain it in detail.

Hello~ Peejay~ I was very impressed by your first class The class as a whole was like a fantastic speech!! It motivated me to have confident in public speeking although I'm so bad in it.. Like many other students, I think your class is the most humorous and enjoyable class than the other GLP classes.. And, also, you are always well-prepared for the class since you come into classroom few minutes earlier and write what we will gonna learn today on the blackboard; that is the other thing that impresses me.. Although this is not a suggestion, I just wanted to tell you what I think about your class :) BYE~

Buenos Dias! I really love your class! It is really amazing, largely because of your sense of humor. When you say "for example", I am always ready to laugh!!! Well, my parents always say that I was really brave in speeches as a child that I always showed up in shows instead of my sunbaes! But I don't know that I am still brave... I was really shy in my elementary and middle school years, but this is being corrected as I entered DFLHS. Help me constantly!

His class is just amazing. I've never seen class like it before. Mr. Garcia's class is full of passion. Even though I had him for shor period of time, I feel like I already perceived and learned many lessons in Speech and Debate by Mr. Garcia. I am looking forward to have him class in future and I can't even wait. He has just great talents of making students concentrate and his talking is really grabbing our attetion fully.

You are very funny guy.

I like your class because you show a lot of passion everytime you come in. Sometimes, however, you lose your point and seem to focus more on making us laugh. I hope we will finish the theoritical(?) class contents quickly and have a lot of debates. Just to let you know, I like persuasive speeches more than informative speeches, and I prefer debates to persuasive speeches!

NO suggestion Perfect Perfect Perfect. Thank for being my teacher

I feel grateful for taking Speech and Debate class with YOU. What you said in class is still in my memory, and the whole class period is really exciting!

Please don't change anything; your current method is great!

MR GARCIA ~~~!!! I LOVE YOUR CLASSES !!! Your classes are never boring and I especially like how you tell us the examples hehe

Can't we do in class debate????

Hello Mr.Garcia, I just wanted to suggest letting the students mention their thoughts about their peers speeches. Not something like an evaluation sheet, but just saying it to them. Thank you.

I enjoy your class, and I am content with it. Your class is both fun and informative. I can't think of any suggestions to your class, since I am so content with it.

Thank you for teaching us.

Mr. Garcia helps us enjoy the class.

Great class, I wish that this syllabus would be kept on forward.

You are the best speech teacher I ever had!

Your class is really interesting! I think it would be really great, if you can give us more details and information about how to make a good speech.


I like how you teach us but since it is Speech and Debate class, I want to have more speech experiences. Giving speech only twice is so little.

I reaaaally love your class, and I was moved when I listened to your speeches. Although I cannot deliver good speeches, I am looking forward to delivering speeches and having debates. I strongly believe and wish to learn a lot from your classes. Thank you.

Mr Garcia, To tell the truth, I have not found a single aspect of your classes that is not satisfying. Your knowledge on the subject is irrefutably well-organized, and your deliverance is straightforward. One minor suggestion to mention: It would be fun to use leftover time to conduct impromptu speeches and debates. From my personal experience, I was able to see that some "pressure" affected students quickly and effectively. In this way, I am sure you will be able to give more A's than what you expect.

Hello, Mr. PJ? I love your class~!! It is so interesting and funny(?)! I wonder why we only have your class once a week.......

I think you're fun. I enjoy your classes. Teach us how to give a perfect speech specifically.

Hi Mr. Garcia~ I'm one of your students. I like very much your class. Your teaching is very easy to understand and interesting. I, however, think this class will be better if we have more chance to conversate with each other, because I think Speech & Debate class is the class to improve our speaking ability.

I feel so lucky to be in your class!! However, I want to make a suggestion; can you change the formats of class periodically? I know it can be hard for you, and answering the question is a very creative and good format, but if we keep working on one format, we could get a little bored. If you change formats of class periodically, it would be so great!

Your explanations are great! I love your classes

Too many homework and quiz

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That last one was funny, because I don't give quizzes. ;) Anyway, I'm quite satisfied with the results. :) Wow. THIS is why I teach!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations PJ.....
You deserve these, BIG time!
these tell us why we miss you.....