Monday, March 17, 2014

What really happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370...

Ok, just as an exercise in my imagination, I shall weigh in with my (very outlandish) theory for what happened to MH 370 of Malaysian Airlines: Remember, this is purely an exercise of my imagination, and I claim absolutely no knowledge of the actual truth... I just want to try to create a scenario for a Hollywood movie... 

Here goes:

After Osama Bin Laden's assassination, Al- Qaeda was left essentially headless and looking for direction, so its current leadership is under pressure to plan and execute a MASSIVE terror attack to regain its reputation AND to punish the Americans and their allies so Al-Qaeda's current top guy goes and meets with a nation sympathetic to its cause ( North Korea). Kim Jong-Eun, a bunch of rebel terrorists from Chechnya and Al-Qaeda then hatch an elaborate plot to deliver a dirty bomb to the very heart of a city that will cause chaos for the world should it be attacked by nuclear device, and which also has thousands of Americans... Seoul, Korea.

Two years prior to the flight, two Caucasian terrorists from Chechnya begin training to fly and mechanically maintain a Boeing 777. Al-Qaeda's Thai contacts then steal the passports of two foreign nationals who are allowed visa-free entry into Malaysia (an Austrian and an Italian)... Step One is complete.

Here's the essence of the plan:

Get the Chechen terrorist killers on board the flight with a North Korean-supplied dirty bomb as part of their luggage. Go through Malaysian Air because it has horrible security screening compared to an American Airline. Pick a flight with multiple US citizens aboard; then, after the flight has taken off, take over the plane, disable the necessary tracking equipment and fly the plane to Pyongyang, where it refuels. There, under protection of the more than 230 innocent hostages, the plane takes off and heads straight for Seoul, where there are millions of people AND 45,000 American soldiers. The conspirators figure the international community won't fire upon the innocent passengers so they get a short window to fly into Korean airspace...but there's a problem...

Mid-flight, the Chechen terrorists (who only joined the venture because they were promised millions of dollars worth of funds AND weapons to fight against Russia, want to divert the plane to Moscow instead and REALLY make a statement versus Russia. They refuse to take off and head for the original target of Seoul; Kim Jon-Eun goes ballistic and orders them executed... Now, with no pilots and/or mechanics, the Boeing 777 is essentially stranded in Pyongyang awaiting instructions on what to do...

Meanwhile, in America AND Korea, the authorities can see, via satellite image) where the plane is and thermal imaging determines the vast majority of passengers are still alive (though suffering horribly with backed up toilets on a single plane)... A plan is hatched to send a joint American-Korean elite military task force into North Korea to free the hostages, disable the dirty bomb and bitch-slap Kim Jong-Eun back into respectable behavior... An American proposal to send in a drone to strike the plane is heatedly debated, but ultimately abandoned, as this would, essentially be like a nuclear strike in the heart of Pyongyang (the dirty bomb is still on the plane, after all)...

One week passes as a "Raid on Entebbe" style raid is prepared and practiced by the Americans and Koreans deep within the heart of the American military base in downtown Seoul (near Itaewon), but nothing is mentioned to the world because the Malaysian government does not want to appear totally incompetent and the Americans fear that the Chechen involvement might bring Russia into the conflict just as tensions with the Ukraine are at their peak (plenty of movie drama possible here...). 

Which leads us to the present day... The task force is deemed ready and the raid is scheduled for TONIGHT (cue dramatic John Williams music)... 

I'm still working on the ending... 

This story, and all its international copyrights belong to Peejay Garcia (all rights reserved, circa 2014). 

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