Thursday, November 16, 2017

Spoiler-free Movie Review of "Justice League"

In a nutshell? If you're a serious fan of superhero movies and/or DC this one's a big turd. Cringeworthy screenwriting, choppy, narrative-killing editing and a truly heinous CGI villain will make you want to demand your money back. If, however, you're a casual moviegoer looking for a bit of escapist distraction you can enjoy, it MIGHT be worth a viewing, but only if you download it for free. I wouldn't recommend anyone pay to see this, unless you want to gouge your eyes out watching another Crap-tastic turn by Ben Affleck as Batman (How he got top billing for this movie is a human rights violation Amnesty International ought to investigate). My verdict? 1.5 out of 5 stars, but only because Wonder Woman was in it.

To be fair, there were some laugh out loud moments, and not just because the dialogue was so bad. The Flash and, to a lesser extent, Aquaman provided some much-needed comic relief to an otherwise, plodding, non-sensical, dour movie. Most of the adrenaline-pumping, macho action was provided, ironically enough, by Wonder Woman, but even she wasn't enough to really redeem this movie as an action spectacular-wannabe. The Flash was the breakout star of this movie. His scenes were the ones most of us in the audience appreciated. (Warner Bros. better NEVER make another Batman movie and should exclusively feature The Flash in its next feature.) Jason Momoa is a HELL of a macho presence on screen as "The Aquaman" (he makes Affleck look pudgy and fat throughout, and he runs rings around him in the acting department too. Khal Drogo FTW!

My final analysis is DC made this movie by committee. The studio executives told the screenwriters to try to copy Marvel movies and they did so, to truly disappointing results. This is a wannabe Marvel movie. If you really want to see it done right, avoid anything with DC on it and just go watch a Marvel movie. Also, avoid Ben Affleck as Batman like you avoid ebola or herpes. You have been warned.

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