Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My first trek through the sludge that is snow...

I woke up yesterday expecting a relatively warm day (-2 degrees instead of -12 degrees Celsius the previous week), so I was actually contemplating going to work in a leather jacket, instead of my usual winter parka.

Thank God I didn't listen to myself.

When I stepped out the door, I was shocked to see the whole world suddenly covered in blinding whiteness. It's amazing to see how an entire landscape can change overnight, but that's what snow will do to you, I suppose. :)

I even took a picture, which I will upload just as soon as I figure out the Korean instructions on my camera phone. ;)

It was, in a word, breathtaking. It was like God decided to let the melancholy clouds kiss the earth a billion times over, one teardrop at a time. It was majestic. :)

Of course, after the initial admiration, I actually had to walk through all this snow (which hadn't yet been cleared from the streets), and let me tell you... doing this in leather shoes more suited to pavement than ice is NOT an easy thing... especially if your apartment is at the top of a small hill. :) It was very slow going to the subway, I can tell you that.... :)

In the end, though, despite the inconvenience of always stepping as if I valued my dignity, I really did have a grand time. I believe I walked throughout the day with a perpetual grin plastered on my face. How could I not? All my life I had seen sun-dappled grains of sand by the beach... this was my first full day's experience with the delicate whispers of winter's breath. :) My ears, cold as they were, for one full day at least, were happy to listen.


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