Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Money isn't everything

Big decisions have to be made soon... mostly involving my future and money. I'm being offered a job that pays very well, but which would entail me losing a lot of the freedom and independence I so cherish. I was tempted for a long while... but no longer. I've decided to turn it down.

Funny how giving up a lot of money can somehow make you seem so free. :)

I've built my whole life around the principle that money would never rule my world. I've even taken huge pay cuts just to get the jobs that would make me happy in the end. For the most part, I've been successful in finding situations where I can be both fulfilled and yet marginally "successful," at least monetarily. The key for me, however, is living a simple, almost spartan lifestyle. Once you have few wants and needs, you have much less need of money, and that helps broaden my options; it helps to set me free.

I'm not going to be poor or anything like that... I certainly appreciate many of the finer things in life. I just won't be given to stupid expenditures that can't be justified, especially now that I'm giving up that other job. What use is money to me anyway? It's not like I need much to be happy. :) I've got all I want in life already, with the exception of one thing. And THAT you can never buy with money...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like you've made a great decision. Being in a similar situation, I hope I make a good decision myself.