Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Everyone has a dream. What's yours?

Do we really know what we want in life? Or do we just THINK we know? (Yes, I know you're not supposed to start sentences with a preposition, but this is MY blog, so there... :)

I recently saw an old post of mine in another blog regarding my long-term goals in life. The shocking thing was that they were totally different from the goals I think I have now. Totally. Not even one thing the same, really. And this was just 4 years ago.

It made me realize that I either got really fickle about my life, or that significant events/opportunities/changes have led me to re-evaluate what I consider really important.

It also made me think that perhaps we ought to evaluate ourselves every few years, to see if we still follow the same path we set for ourselves (or whether we even have a path, as the case may be). I think I'm going to start doing that each year.

Just to illustrate what I mean, I never expected to find myself in Korea, owning my own business and doing what I feel I was born to do: educating young people in how to communicate better. A few years ago, I was teaching in Thailand, thinking of other things, dreaming other dreams. A few years prior to that, I had my own consulting company in the Philippines, helping big companies make more money that they probably didn't really need. :) I had different dreams then too.

I guess my life just typifies my philosophy: never say "no" to an opportunity; always allow yourself to be open to new dreams. It's led me to a very rich, varied and fulfilling life so far. I have many friends in different places, many languages learned (to varying degrees of fluency) and many sights seen, paths tread and future possibilities imagined. It's kinda cool, actually. :) By never saying that my life should ONLY be one thing, I've allowed my life to become many different things to me. That, in turn, has made me happy, in many new ways. :)

So, really, what's YOUR dream? Mine seems to be quite fluid. The only thing that is constant seems to be me... happily along for the ride. :)

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