Saturday, September 17, 2005

Buddhism is an interesting religion

Had a really interesting conversation with a friend today.

She's a very religious Buddhist, and she was telling me about the whole nature of karma, birth and rebirth, nirvana, etc...

I'm really intrigued by the whole concept of Buddhism. It's such a peaceful religion. It's all about harmony, and finding a way to improve yourself over countless lifetimes. Naturally, as a Catholic, I'm not supposed to believe in this whole cycle of rebirth. But the notion that our lives would not be our only hope of salvation... that appeals to me greatly.

Catholics are supposed to believe that we only get one shot at life. That the life we lead now is our only hope of salvation. Makes me wonder about all those whose lives were cut short, without the opportunity for redemption. Is that fair? I mean, if I'm 14 years old, and still pretty much immature... how the heck am I to live a truly authentic, Christian life? And if that life of mine is snuffed out, just as those kids' were at Columbine, then would that mean I had less of a chance to "earn" Heaven than, say, Donald Trump? How come he gets more years, and those kids didn't?

It made me even think of the concept of the Virgin Mary... I mean, I always thought it was a bit unfair that she got to be conceived without original sin. Wouldn't it be logical to assume that, if she's the only one on earth to be blessed without original sin, that she would be less predisposed to sin? And that she would have an easier time earning the path to Heaven?

I don't know. I guess, in spite of the fact that I believe in God, I'm still grappling with some of the fundamental tenets of my own faith. There is much to like about the ideas of Buddhism, just as there are some ideas to admire in Islam, etc. Religion is a fascinating thing, and in as much as I'm trying to live an authentic life on earth, I feel it my duty to try to learn more about how some people try to be good, and avoid evil. Perhaps it'll even make me a better Catholic at the end of it all.

1 comment:

hilda said...

well i really dont belive in karma is kind of stupid like my Philosophy teacher says you have to paid for things that you dont even remeber that you did that doesnt ake any sense