Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm the "peaks and valleys" guy

I have certain philosophies about life. One of them is that it is way too short to be spent regretting things you haven't done. Of course, there are two ways to think of this:

1) Just stop regretting not doing something;

2) Just do something so you won't have to regret not doing it.

Whenever I'm faced with a choice, I always choose the latter.

You know the old saying, "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?" Well, I'm the "loved and lost" guy instead of the "never have loved" guy. I understand that loving and losing anything (person, place, thing, dream, whatever...) is difficult... but I would find my life much more difficult to live if I never even bothered to try.

I had a discussion with a dear friend very recently about life... Do we want to go through life in a steady, constant happy state, never being too happy but at the same time never being too sad, or do we want to go through life with giant peaks and deep valleys, with ecstatic, glorious highs and massively painful lows?

I'm the "peaks and valleys" guy. I'm the one who says that life is meant to be LIVED, not conservatively protected. I'm the one who would uproot himself from his homeland, giving up his business, to travel thousands of miles away to countries he has never lived in before, to try to carve new destinies for himself. That's just the way I am. And if I suffer some pain along the way, what a small price it is to pay to be able to see the top of the world from life's highest peaks. :)

I just had an emotional epiphany while seeing the lights of Bangkok last night, and discovered how great it was to be able to control my own destiny. I have no idea where my life will take me, but I do know that it will be to a place I have carved with my own hands.

I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

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