Thursday, June 22, 2006

On life, love and food

Love is nothing more than having faith in something greater than yourself. For us to truly love anything or anyone, we must first find within us the strength to let go of our fears, and to embrace something we cannot yet see to the end of.

Will it always be good? Of course not. Will you ever get hurt? Naturally. That's the reason why love is so precious. It hurts us in ways we could never imagine, but still we hang on... because we realize how precious it really is. Besides, we only really live once. How sad would it be to grow old knowing that you had rejected the chance to be happy, just because you were afraid of being sad? Is the point of life simply the avoidance of all pain? Or is it to experience everything life could offer, good and bad?

The best analogy I could think of is rice. It's absolutely tasteless. No chance of ever getting food poisoning from it. No allergies, no rashes, no spices, no taste. It just is. And yet how many of us live for the day when we can eat only rice? Sure food can be spicy, sweet, sour, salty or anything and everything in between... but how much more joy is in our lives because we can eat the foods that truly excite us? And would we ever be foolish enough to give up eating something just because someone couldn't cook it right now and then?

I don't know about you, but I don't only want to eat rice for the rest of my life. I want to eat all the greatest foods in the world: beluga caviar, tom yam kung, kimchi, sushi, penang char kway teow, pate de foie gras, buffalo mozzarella with fresh tomatoes and olive oil, szechuan shrimps, etc. etc.

Life would seem so boring with nothing but rice.

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