Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What would you do on the last day of your life?

Interesting question, I think. So many of the people I know have, at some point, complained about either their jobs, their relationships, their location, etc. etc... I just thought "if you hate things so much... why continue?"

I mean, it's really quite simple. Stop doing things that you just can't stand doing. If there really is no point to doing them, then you're probably not being so smart if you continue doing them. And if there IS a point to doing them, because you perhaps have a goal or end in sight, then it's pretty pointless to complain about having to do what you know you would do anyway. Really, what's the point?

I admit: I don't like people who complain and nag and just plain feel sorry about life. I think that if you took a poll of the most successful people on earth, you'd find that they spend the vast majority of their time working at being successful, rather than whining about why they're not.

So, if you're in a job you just can't stand, quit. If you're in a relationship that's just eating you up inside, leave. If you're living in a place you just can't stand, then by all means go somewhere else. And if you tell me "but I can't... it's just too complicated," then you've lost all credibility in my eyes. You've basically just given up, and aren't trying hard enough. I'd rather hear "Yes, I will... and I'm working towards that." THAT I can respect.

So... really... what WOULD you do on the last day of your life? Take away all the b.s. in the world, and just focus on those dreams and goals you consider most important. Focus on the people who matter most. Live the life you really want to live. And if you're doing NONE of the above, then, really, what the heck kind of life are you leading anyway??? If you are not doing a single thing you would be proud of when you look back at your life, you aren't really living your life.

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