Tuesday, December 03, 2013

The problem with the UN

Philosophical Random thought: The fundamental problem with the U.N. is that it is based upon the premise, necessary to pretend is valid after World War II, that ALL cultures and ways of life are equally valid. Here's my issue with that: The premise is false. Surely we all start out with valid potential, and our ideas have as much of a right to exist as any others, but when some societies act inhumanely on such ideas (ex. eugenics versus gays and/or disabled people is ok, etc...) the world has to take a stand. Ok, this is the part where you have to stop reading if you belong to an evil,repressive society/culture and want to remain my friend; I pull no punches:
1. It is NOT ok to use Shari'a law to justify whipping a woman who was gang-raped because she committed the GRAVE act of driving a car on her own and therefore was "asking" for it.... No matter what your religion says, misogyny is NEVER acceptable;
2. It is NOT ok to use "Catholic values" to justify opposition to an investigation on pedophilia... I'm sorry, but Confession does NOT absolve you from human justice; if you are a pedophile who rapes children you MUST pay... Confessing to your God through a priest might satisfy the demands of your religion, but it does not satisfy your obligations to society.
I could go on, but I figure I've already offended about 2 billion people...
In summary, I want the UN to condemn Saudi Arabia for misogyny, and Yemen for permitting child brides of as young as 10 years old; I also want the UN to demand a full audit of the Vatican, especially with respect to its cover-up of pedophile priests.
I want the UN to start demanding our societies act more humanely towards our citizens, without having the crutch of religion or tradition to fall back on as an excuse. I want all this, but it will never happen, precisely because of the fiction of "equally valid" societies the U.N. is premised upon. Moral relativism might help to promote an uneasy peace around the world, but it has led to some downright awful situations for too many innocent victims... I reject it completely and utterly, and will fight it to my dying day.
Shalom y'all... :)

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