Sunday, January 08, 2006

A bit low on the happiness thermometer...

I'm feeling a bit low right now. I guess it's a combination of uncertainty regarding my work status, and dissatisfaction regarding the rest of my life.

I'm just finding it hard to choose to be happy these days.

In the old days, I might have blamed this general malaise on "Kill Bill, Part 1," which I finally watched today, but that wouldn't be true... especially since I actually felt BETTER after watching it. It seems that watching movies or listening to songs that mimic your general mood (bloody? angry? vengeful? what???) sometimes helps you to feel better. I read about some scientific study sometime in the past that said that really angry people sometimes got to feel better by listening to music that fit their mood (i.e. heavy metal, pumping rock, etc.). Makes sense, I guess. If I were really pissed off, the last thing I'd want to listen to would be Mozart. :)

Oh, well. As they say in Gone with the Wind... "Tomorrow is another day..."

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