Saturday, January 14, 2006

Which generation is greater: the past or the present?

My Dad and I were just talking over dinner, and he mentioned the topic of the speech they had to give for the Voice of Democracy national oratorical championships. My Dad was a national finalist in the Philippines, and he said their topic was "Which generation is greater: the past or the present?"

To put this in perspective, I reminded him of a quote attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, in a letter to his friend. Reacting to the notion that he, Newton, had the greatness to see things others could not, Newton's response was:

"If I have seen further than others, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."

What an absolutely perfect quote for that topic.

Isn't this what human society is all about? Isn't this what the word "progress" really means? To be able to say that the next generation is greater in terms of achievement, and yet to be able to praise the accomplishments of those who came before, without which the "greater" generation would not have been able to achieve such greatness?

It's a great metaphor for our own lives. Our parents always want the best for us, and I think the true test of selflessness and love is to always wish for your children to do more than you ever did or could. That's what my Dad wants for us kids. He wanted to be a lawyer, but through force of circumstance he chose instead to be a banker, so we could have a better life. Now any of his children can choose to be anything, because of his sacrifice.

My Mom had the same self-sacrifice. Early on, she and my Dad agreed that she would give up her career first, and wait until we were sufficiently old enough to take care of ourselves, before she took care of her own prospects. That's why she only got her MBA in her 40's, and why she's only recented applied for, and been given, her CPA license in the US. She is now the auditor of a university in America, and I couldn't be prouder of her. She gave up a great deal of money and opportunity for the three of her children, and we are all the better for it.

If I, or my siblings, ever accomplish anything great, it is only because we have stood on the shoulders of our own giants. Without our parents, none of what we have done, or will ever do, would have amounted to much, because we would never have had the example of sacrifice, determination and dedication that our parents instilled in us, and still inspire in us today.

Don't forget to acknowledge the giants in your own lives. Remember that behind every great person is a proud set of parents, both of whom probably don't get nearly as much credit as they richly deserve.

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