Monday, January 02, 2006

What would you do...?

I wrote this some time ago, but I guess the ideas are always going to be relevant, so here goes...

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If you know your relationship is going to end at some point, but you still love each other very much, do you let the thing drag on until it gets too painful to hold on to, or do you end it quickly to save yourselves the pain?

There are a number of sides to this, of course, not the least of which are practicality vs. romance. I mean, if you can avoid pain, the practical side of you would probably say, "Do it." If, however, you can somehow hold on to your love for even a little bit more, the romantic side of you may say, "Hold on."

I guess it all depends on what you consider important, and just how much you're willing to sacrifice for it. But, really, if there is no happy end in sight, is life going to be better for you if you move on as fast as you can?

Why is it, though, that life often forces us to choose between what we want, and what is good for us? Why do we seem to always have to embrace options we never wanted?

Too many damn questions. Too few real answers. "And never the two shall meet..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't know why life does that to's full of crap with occasional bonuses :-)
it's amazing how love can be so incredibly awesome at one moment and terribly painful the next... yet knowing what will happen the next time we fall in love, we somehow do anyway... why is that??
